Pregnancy, Lactation Rooms and Family Resources


In December of 2022, President Biden signed the 怀孕工人公平法 (PWFA) into law. The PWFA is a federal law requiring employers to make reasonable accommodations for employees with a known limitation due to pregnancy, 分娩, 或相关的医疗条件. 该法于6月27日生效, 2023, and all employers need to understand the extent of their legal obligations and how to stay in compliance with this 新的立法. “了解你的权利”海报可在 here

自6月1日起, 2016 Colorado 怀孕工人公平法 was signed into law by Governor John Hickenlooper, as an amendment to the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA). This Act requires employers to accommodate conditions surrounding routine pregnancies; pregnancies that result in medical conditions may be entitled to accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  

As an employer DU provides reasonable accommodations to worker’s known limitations related to pregnancy, 分娩, 或相关的医疗条件, whether due to a routine pregnancy or one resulting in medical complications. A reasonable accommodation is a modification or adjustment that allows the employee to perform the essential functions of the job or access the benefits of employment while pregnant or experiencing a pregnancy-related condition. 

请浏览我们的人力资源 & 包容的社会 Lactation and Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding Policy

If you are a pregnant employee or if you have been affected by 分娩 或相关的医疗条件 and need accommodations, please feel free to have a conversation with your HR Partner.   

Individuals requiring Family and Medical Leave due to their pregnancy should contact For more information, please view the 休假 information. 



For Family and Medical Leave and further assistance, please contact 或致电303-871-7420,选项3.  


DU’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy prohibits sex discrimination, 包括基于怀孕的歧视, 残疾歧视, and requires accommodations for qualifying conditions  If you have a question about your rights related to pregnancy, lactation, 或者育儿假,  请发邮件至TitleIX@du.Edu或致电303-871-7016.  




Lactation Room Map

Designated Lactation Rooms are available throughout campus. Visit the Lactation Room Map on the interactive campus map for more details.

If you have any questions, please email benefits@du.或致电303-871-7420,选项3. 



牛奶鹳 is the first and only breast milk delivery service for traveling moms, 提供隐秘, 冷藏, express shipping or easy toting of breast milk home to baby.

Visit Site

  • 它是如何工作的
    1. Pump according to your regular nursing schedule and refrigerate your milk.
    2. Pack your 冷藏 breast milk in your activated 牛奶鹳 cooler (instructions included).
    3. Tote your cooler of milk home in the reusable tote provided, or ship your 冷藏 breast milk home overnight by scheduling your own FedEx pickup or asking your hotel to help.

    请参阅 牛奶鹳传单 了解更多信息.

  • 客户服务信息



We provide mini fridges for your office or desk at no cost during the transition back to work after leave.

  • 它是如何工作的
    1. Email 附上你的联络资料, and your office number or location so that arrangements can be made for obtaining a fridge. 所有的冰箱都有宿舍那么大.
    2. There is no time limit on the fridge's return, as every person's needs are different. Simply return the fridge when it is no longer needed. 一旦你完成了,发邮件 协调冰箱的回收工作.



Cigna members can access the Happify and iPrevail apps, which offer behavioral health solutions to help build greater resilience, 以及应对压力, 焦虑和抑郁.

  • Happify

    The Happify app supports emotional health needs across the continuum from wellbeing and prevention to diagnosable mental health conditions. Designed to fit into an individual's busy life with personalized bite-size activities, Happify提供60多种不同的曲目, 3,000个科学活动和游戏, and 300 guided mediations based on the best practices of gaming science and behavioral therapeutic disciplines (including positive psychology, 认知行为疗法, 正念, 行为激活, 以及以解决方案为中心的治疗).


  • iPrevail

    The iPrevail app provides on-demand support from trained wellness coaches through a private chat platform for people experiencing stress and related challenges. The digital platform also offers personalized mental health care guidance for people with depression, 物质使用障碍, 还有其他问题.

